Triglyceride Fraction (ATF)

Catalogue Number: 571-11
Product Name Triglyceride Fraction
Source Chicken Egg Yolk
Catalogue Number 571-11
Purity Fraction
Form Emulsion
Triglyceride > 10,000 mg/dL
Note Product sold by triglyceride value
Reconstitution Dilute with 0.15 M sodium chloride and sonicate to dissolve.
Recovery Add diluent directly to bottle and sonicate to re-suspend. Material is very viscous.
Appearance Light yellow to amber
Handling - Thaw quickly, in a 37°C water bath, removing as soon as thawed.
- Store at 2 – 8°C for up to one week, -20°C for up to three months, and up to 24 months at -70°C.
- Dilute with 0.15 M sodium chloride
Related Products 361-10 - High Density Lipoprotein from human plasma
185-10 - Cholesterol Concentrate from bovine serum
361-56 - Triglycerides from human plasma
Storage -20°C (up to three months)
-70°C (more than three months)
Recertification 2 years
Country of Origin United States
Raw Material Source The animal source of this product was collected at a USDA licensed establishment.
Synonyms Avian Triglyceride Fraction, ATF, Trig, Trig Fraction, TG, Triglycerides

Technical support, bulk quantities and aliquoting available, email for more details. BULK QUANTITIES from 1,000 gram single lot sizes.

In the human body, high levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream have been linked to atherosclerosis, and, by extension, the risk of heart disease and stroke. However, the negative impact of raised levels of triglyceride(s) is lower than that of LDL:HDL ratios. The risk can be partly accounted for by a strong inverse relationship between triglyceride level and HDL-cholesterol level.

Another disease caused by high triglycerides is pancreatitis.

Purified triglycerides from egg yolk are routinely used in lipid and chemistry controls. The triglycerides isolated from egg yolk lipids were subjected to stereospecific analysis. A very high degree of asymmetry between positions 1 and 3 was found. Palmitic acid constituted over 70% of the fatty acids in position 1. Position 2 was occupied largely by oleic and linoleic acids and position 3 by oleic acid and a comparatively small amount of saturated fatty acids.

The triglycerides were also separated according to degree of un-saturation by argentation chromatography and each fraction subjected to the stereospecific analysis procedure. Good agreement was found between the proportions of the various molecular species obtained in this way and those predicted assuming a 1-random, 2-random, 3-random arrangement of fatty acids in the intact triglycerides. There was evidence for some selectivity in the utilization of fatty acids of different chain lengths in certain of the species, however.

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571-11-1 $ 157.00 1 gram
571-11-10 $ 982.00 10 grams
571-11-25 $ 1,725.00 25 grams