Lactate Dehydrogenase 2 (LDH-2)

Catalogue Number: 355-20
Product Name Lactate Dehydrogenase 2
Source Human Erythrocytes
Catalogue Number 355-20
Purity Purified
Form Liquid
Activity > 500 U/mL (Dimension® Clinical Chemistry System)
Unit Definition One unit will catalyze the oxidation of one micromole of L-lactate to pyruvate with simultaneous reduction of NAD+ to NADH per minute at 37°C and pH 9.4.
Protein > 1.0 mg/mL (Coomassie)
Specific Activity > 50 U/mg protein
Isozyme Content LDH-2: > 95% (Helena QuickGel® LD Isoenzyme Electrophoresis)
LDH-1: < 1.0%
LDH-3: < 1.0%
LDH-4: < 1.0%
LDH-5: < 1.0%
Contaminants CPK: < 1%
GOT/AST: < 1%
Formulation Suspension in 3.1 M ammonium sulfate, 20 mM tris-chloride, 1 mM DTT, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.5.
Recertification 2 years
Storage 2-8°C
Synonyms LDH-2 (3H1M), LD2
CAS Number 9001-60-9
E.C. Number

Lee Biosolutions sells human Lactate Dehydrogenase 2 (LDH-2) for research and diagnostic manufacturing uses.

Custom preparations, technical support, bulk quantities and aliquoting available, email for more details.

Studies have shown that LDH-2 may be a useful marker of Bone Marrow Infiltration in non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

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355-20-100 $ 203.00 100 units
355-20-1,000 $ 1,200.00 10 x 100 units