Material Safety Data Sheet for Semen, Pooled Human Donors products

  1. Name of Product and Company

    Product Identification: Biologicals
    Product Name: Semen, Pooled Human Donors
    Source: Pooled Human Donors
    Product Code: 991-04-P

    Company and Emergency Contact Information:
    Lee Biosolutions, Inc, 10850 Metro Court, 63043 USA
    Tel: 314-968-1091 Fax: 314-968-9851

  2. Physical and Chemical Properties
    Form: Liquid
    Source: Pooled Human Donors
    EC NO:

  3. Hazard Identification
    WARNING: Usual precautions are to be taken when handling chemicals.

  4. First Aid Measures
    Eye and skin Contact: Flush Eyes With Water
    Ingestion: Seek Medical Advice

  5. Fire-Fighting Measures
    Extinguishing Media: No restriction known
    Thermal Decomposition: Unknown

  6. Accidental Release Measures
    After spillage: Dilute spilled substance with plenty of water and absorb
    Absorbant Material: No restriction

  7. Handling and Storage
    Handling: Follow Good Industrial Hygiene practices in handling
    Storage: see certificate of analysis for proper storage temperature of product

  8. Exposure Controls
    Eye Protection: Protective Glasses
    Hand Protection: Protective Gloves

  9. Reactivity and Stability
    Hazardous Reactions: Unknown
    Hazardous Decomposition Products: Unknown
    Stability Conditions: Unknown
    Polymerization: Unknown

  10. Toxicological Information

  11. Ecological Information
    Hazards: Unknown if substance is hazardous to water and ground water

  12. Disposal Considerations
    Waste Disposal Route: Dispose according to local, state and federal regulations

Lee Biosolutions, Inc assumes no liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein and are intended to be followed only by persons having related technical skill and at their own discretion and risk. Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards that exits. The statements herein are offered for informational purposes only and are intended to be used solely for your consideration, investigation and verification only. It is up to the user to undertake sufficient verification and testing to determine the suitability for their own particular purpose of any information or products referred herein. Lee Biosolutions, Inc makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information.

Revision Date: 07/13/2009